CYBERSTAND.eu project has recently launched, bringing together the European
DIGITAL SME Alliance, European Standardisation Organisations ETSI and
CEN/CENELEC, and TRUST-IT and the European Cybersecurity Organisation
project will support the creation of standards for the Cyber Resilience Act,
through recruiting experts. The first Expert Call opened on August 5.
will also support the uptake of standards through guides, workshops and white
papers, which will aid the implementation of the Cyber Resilience Act.
European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) marks a pivotal moment for cybersecurity in
Europe by setting requirements for the cybersecurity of everyday products and
software used by millions of Europeans. With cyber threats increasing each
year, the CRA defines the legislative framework that manufacturers must meet when placing any product with digital elements
on the European market.
translate the CRA into a market-friendly policy, harmonised European standards
need to be defined and developed. The CYBERSTAND.eu project, which began in
June 2024, empowers experts to develop standards that are easy to implement.
This will support the legislation by
turning the cybersecurity requirements into practical measures that companies
can design their cybersecurity around.
first Call for Experts (called a Specific Service Procedure - SSP) is now open
and accepting applications from European experts in cybersecurity and
standardisation. The
deadline to apply is October 5th 2024. In total,
throughout the project, there will be six Calls for Experts which will cover
different topics, as the needs to support the implementation of the CRA evolve.
The first Call is looking for experts to develop standards to match the
requirements set out in the CRA annexes. Further information on the topic, and
the application portal, can be found here: https://cyberstand.eu/1st-specific-service-procedure.
In CYBERSTAND.eu, DIGITAL SME will ensure that SME’s needs and requirements are included in the standardisation activities, to make sure that the resulting standards are suitable for SMEs. This will be managed through ongoing consultations and workshops, where SMEs will be invited to share their opinions and experiences with standardisation. This will be shared with the experts working on the standards, and with the European policymakers in charge of the Cyber Resilience Act.
Further to this, DIGITAL SME will seek to improve the uptake of standards among European SMEs, through tailored guides for SMEs and dedicated trainings. During the SSP’s DIGITAL SME will provide support to the experts, ensuring that their work is aligned with the latest activity of the European Standardisation Organisations and incorporates the feedback from industry as well.
You can apply for the Expert Call via this link. The deadline for applications is 5th October 2024.